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Category: Podcast

Cruisin’ Together: 19 – Jerry Maguire


(Cruisin’ Together may contain grown-up language)

Chris and Gregg get Jen Grunwald on mic to lend a lady’s voice to discuss the love story that is Jerry Maguire. We ask the big question “What is love?”, coin and define “Zellweggering”, observe the “Buttgeist”,  recognize the Top Cop in Pop’s influence on the film and the film’s influence on The Matrix, introduce another new segment, drop Slingblade impressions, and much more!

Cruisin’ Together: 18 – Mission: Impossible


(Cruisin’ Together may contain grown-up language)

Gregg and Chris have John Green (the cartoonist, not the Fault in Our Stars guy) on to talk through Mission: Impossible, wherein John can’t help but rant over the plot, and we respond in turn…but not without interruptions to cover Metadent toothpaste, brief talk of U2, Mac Tonight and Herb the Nerd, other potential Tom-casts, the rule of gum in drama, and did someone mention The Fall Guy?

Cruisin’ Together: 17 – Interview with the Vampire


(Cruisin’ Together may contain grown-up language)

Chris and Gregg welcome Erica Henderson on board for a chat about the ins and outs of Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles. But lest you think we only talk vampires, vampire powers and vampire rules, we also get into vampires and homosexual subtext and the fabulosity of vampiric transformations. Plus, a vampire trial, a vampire job interview, and of course, Tom Cruise!

Cruisin’ Together: 16 – The Firm


(Cruisin’ Together may contain grown-up language)

Gregg and Chris get Gregg’s Cousin Mike’s* brother, Cousin Joey, to get into the underbelly of The Firm. Joey brings his expertise to discuss the film’s accuracy…there’s a lot of discussion of Tom Cruise’s running, back-flipping and Spider-Manning…we agree on the greatness of Gene Hackman…plus Chris speaks to Wilfred Brimley’s scariness, Joey watches all of Quantum Leap, and Gregg channels Holly Hunter. That’s just the tip of the iceberg to a jam-packed show!

*You might remember Cousin Mike from Cruisin’ Together: 02 – Taps

Cruisin’ Together: 15 – A Few Good Men


(Cruisin’ Together may contain grown-up language)

Chris and Gregg get a good man, Rob Lemon, to discover the truth about A Few Good Men. A raucus Round Robin Plot Recap gets us going before we run the gamut, covering Sleepy Hollow to the four horsemen to horns of plenty to piñatas. Following that, Chris and Rob reenact a key scene, we embark on an epic mega-Top Toms sandwich, talk Noah Wiley and Rocky Roadrunner cartoons, and then, Christopher Walkens show up. Plus, “Doin’ the Butt”.

Cruisin’ Together: 14 – Far & Away


(Cruisin’ Together may contain grown-up language)

Gregg and Chris bring Patrick J. Reilly on to have a chat about Far and Away, starting with the debut of the “Round Robin Plot Synopsis”, and taking the conversation far and away to things like: corkers and scrappers, true stories of stabbings, the hard truth about horse heads, and a real examination of merry-go-rounds vs. carousels.

Cruisin’ Together: 13 – Days of Thunder


(Cruisin’ Together may contain grown-up language)

Chris and Gregg are talking Days of Thunder with Sarah Smith, and along the way they get into what NASCAR stands for, Chris’s arm situation (photo below), what defines a trophy, automotive euphemisms,  Sarah’s love of redheads, and so much more.

Cruisin’ Together: 12 – Born on the Fourth of July


(Cruisin’ Together may contain grown-up language)

Gregg and Chris welcome Randall Trang to talk over Born on the Fourth of July. Chris does a card trick, Gregg makes his “best tank top in a movie” nomination, Randy imagines some outtakes, and the matter of Chyna v. Chynna v. China gets some healthy debate. And in a rare turn, things get real and even a little serious as they talk about the “G-Word” and touch on the Vietnamese refugee experience.