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CONVENTION TIME!: Comic-Con International 2012

It’s July, which means San Diego Comic-Con International!

Madness, crowds, noise, people, comics, movies, tv shows, video games…it’s a beast of a show and a part of me wonders, every year, “why do I do this, exactly?”. But I will do as (my 7th, 8th, 10th and 12th grade social studies teacher) Mr. Lutness would say, “be brave”.

Will you, also be brave and be there? Stop by and say hello. I’ll have original art (SpongeBob Comics, Spider-Man & Marvel Character illustrations, TMNT pages, DC Animated work) as well as puppet prints and copies of SPONGEBOB COMICS for sale.

Comic-Con is July 12-15 in San Diego, CA (Preview Night for those with tickets on July 11).