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Cruisin’ Together


CRUISIN’ TOGETHER is a humorous trip along the highway of Tom Cruise’s filmography. Cartoonists Gregg Schigiel and Chris Giarrusso, with guest, “discuss” Tom Cruise’s movies, episode-by-episode, movie-by-movie, chronologically. And discuss is in quotes because Chris and Gregg are easily distracted…               CRUISIN’ TOGETHER is intended for a Grown-Up audience.

New episodes the 10th, 20th, and 30th of each month here, or subscribe on iTunes or your favorite podcast outlet (if you can’t find it there, tell us!).

Follow the show on Twitter @CruisinShow, as well as the hosts, @GreggSchigiel and @Chris_Giarrusso.

Send a message to the show and the hosts here. Consider supporting CRUISIN’ TOGETHER with a donation.