Stick Figure Night Live! is a series of stick figure comic “recreations” of episodes of Saturday Night Live. Just as the show itself is performed live, the comics are drawn “live” while watching the show (with the occasional assist from DVR or some digital clean-up post scanning).
I’m trying something new, format-wise…you’ll have to let me know if it’s better or worse. It means a little more cutting and pasting on the production-side, but it might make for better comics (in as much as these are comics).
I was planning on possibly keeping tabs on how many sketches hinged on or features gayness as the joke/gag if only to compare it to the last time Paul Rudd hosted (which I’d guess was close to 90%), but overall it seemed like less. Then again, Paul McCartney had four performances, so there were fewer sketches overall. Interesting show, this one.
I did keep expecting McCartney to bust out into some song of a new album, but that never happened…and with each new appearance I dreaded he’d go into that “simply having a wonderful Christmas time” song. I’m thankful that didn’t happen.
Anyone else think it might’ve been more fun to have Obama in the cold open actually interacting with Republicans and being all buddy-buddy rather than have him sit at a desk and talk about it?
And while there was a mention of Clueless in the spotlight sketch (which looking at it now I’m sure I could have done a better job with that one), my sketch idea did not come to pass. Maybe next time.
And now we all have a week to try and guess how The Big Lebowski will play into next week’s show with Jeff Bridges hosting…I’m thinking it’ll be heavy in the monologue, at the very least.