Stick Figure Night Live! is a series of stick figure comic “recreations” of episodes of Saturday Night Live. Just as the show itself is performed live, the comics are drawn “live” while watching the show (with the occasional assist from DVR or some digital clean-up post scanning).
I was very surprised to see the “Channel 10” placard come up at the cold open. As a long-time Wayne’s Wold fan (when applying for colleges I requested the Aurora University catalog with no intention of going merely for the Aurora connection), it was a nice treat, which I think might show in the comic above in that I clearly paid less attention to layout of the copy…hopefully it wasn’t too hard to follow in the clockwise-ness of it all.
And then Jon Lovitz in the monologue had me thinking we might be seeing a real “old home week” show a la Poehler’s show, but no dice. Jan Hooks didn’t show up as Kathy Lee, for example.
I also thought we might see the “100 year old man” during Update, perhaps going off on social networking and 3D movies and such. Oh well. (also, while I’m Monday morning quarterbacking, why not use an old Dana Carvey commercial parody in place of the “iSleep” commercial from last month?)
And while the musical guest didn’t appear in sketches this week, is it me or is singing just more and more a thing that’s happening these days? I sure feel like I’m drawing a lot of musical notes.
And I know that my take on the “Celebrity Teen Crisis Center” sketch might seem like a cop out, but until I figure out a way to make impressions “play” in comics form, I’m gonna go this route. It just sucks that it was back-to-back with a Digital Short type deal, which also amounts to my going the text-description route. (also, sorry Fred Armisen, but your Ice-T doesn’t hold a candle to Paul F. Tompkins’)
Russell Brand’s up next. See you then!