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SpongeBob Comics #1

Today, in fine comic book shops everywhere, SPONGEBOB COMICS #1, in which I penciled eight pages, hits the stands.

I’m happy to be part of this series, where in each issue I’ve got anywhere from six to ten pages or so…including (in coming issues) a story I wrote, a cover, and a story where I got to work virtually side-by-side with a comics legend (who’s rarely acknowledged of that status) known for their work, in the ’60s, on perhaps comics’ most famous undersea dweller.

SPONGEBOB COMICS is published by the creator of SpongeBob himself, Steve Hillenburg, through his United Plankton Pictures, and distributed through Bongo Comics, publishers of Simpsons and Futurama comics. There’s been a good deal of talk in comics circles about supporting “creator owned” properties. Well, in as much as SpongeBob is owned by Nickelodeon/Viacon, SPONGEOB COMICS is all Steve’s, so by picking up and/or supporting this comic book you would essentially be supporting a small-press, creator-owned title.

SPONGEBOB COMICS is a bi-monthly, 32 page comic featuring short stories, puzzles and games, posters, etc, every month. If I’m not mistaken, that’s 32 pages, no ads, for $2.99. That’s what I’d call, especially these days (where a typical Spider-Man Comic with 22 pages of story is $3.99 and a standard DC Comic with 20 pages of story is $2.99), a sweet deal (Thanks, Steve!).