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03/10/2012: Jonah Hill & The Shins

Stick Figure Night Live! is a series of stick figure comic “recreations” of episodes of Saturday Night Live. Just as the show itself is performed live, the comics are drawn “live” while watching the show (with the occasional assist from DVR or some digital clean-up post scanning).


A lot of laughing in the sketches this week, it seemed…I try, when that happens, to point it out – though I’m not sure if I should or not. I’ll probably keep doing it anyway.

Tom Hanks has now shown up a few times in recent years (twice this season, maybe?)…how about letting the guy host and be there for the whole show. I’ve said it before I’ll say it again, for all the acclaim given to John Hamm and Justin Timberlake and Alec Baldwin, I still say Hanks has ’em all licked!

Speaking of hosting jobs, Jonah Hill seemed highly unenthused to introduce The Shins, both times. Threw me off a little.

Looks like we’ve got a few weeks off before the next live show. In the down time, if you’re bored and like comic books and cartooning and that kind of thing, give a listen to “Stuff Said”, a podcast I’ve been doing, where I talk to writers, artists, and other folks in the world of comics and cartooning. It’s not stick figure comics, but it’s comics-adjacent!

See you in a few weeks!