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Category: Podcast

Cruisin’ Together: 28 – War of the Worlds


(Cruisin’ Together may contain grown-up language)

Chris and Gregg welcome Marcie Colleen on board to unpack and unravel War of the Worlds, including much-needed discussions of school mascots, Marcie’s secret Tom Cruise history, Chris’ “mental illness” theory, Gregg’s “bwoooomp”, solonoids, spy-bots on Hoth, three-legged dogs, how to defeat various alien invasions. And also, Marcie finally gets to tall about Tim Robbins, Gregg learns the term “gantry crane”, and Chris keeps talking about food. Plus: a knock at the door?!

Cruisin’ Together: 27 – Collateral


(Cruisin’ Together may contain grown-up language)

Gregg and Chris start the meter running with Branwyn Bigglestone as their passenger to talk Collateral. Branwyn’s love for Debi Mazar and hate for slow jams are the tip of the iceberg in a chat that includes The Transporter, covers of “Ben”, uncletagonists, the power of a photo of an island, segments upon segments, a series of jinxes, and plenty of talk of Tom running.

Cruisin’ Together: 26 – The Last Samurai


(Cruisin’ Together may contain grown-up language)

Chris and Gregg welcome Drew Gill for his distinctive perspective to talk The Last Samurai. Said discussion includes talk of Dio and “Rainbow in the Dark”, Republica’s “Ready to Go”, people v. peep hole, The Terminator, samurai code, samurai culture and the pluralization of samurai, Gregg’s new sneakers, a surprise episode of “SandLearning”, much praise for Ken Watanable, how Last Samurai’s like Top Gun, and ninjas, ninjas, ninjas! Plus, an arguably epic mid-show break featuring listener mail and a highly questionable impression.

Cruisin’ Together: 25 – Austin Powers in Goldmember


(Cruisin’ Together may contain grown-up language)

Gregg and Chris dig deep with Austin Powers in Goldmember – a movie where Tom Cruise has at most four minutes of screen time – and they’re joined by erstwhile gentleman, Paul McMahon, who breaks the seal and presents gifts*, before they talk schlägers, Susanna Hoffs, the “Baby Hands-Up” doll, the secret to wedded bliss, and impressions of Michael Caine and Billy Crystal’s Fernando. Plus, “Round Robin Plot Recap” is no more, replaced by something new…and competitive!

*photographic evidence of said gifts:

Cruisin’ Together: 24 – Minority Report


(Cruisin’ Together may contain grown-up language)

Chris and Gregg discuss Minority Report with a first for them: a non-human guest, Wally Wackiman! Wally answers all kinds of questions about puppets and puppetry (including materials, diets, and their people), plus talk of continents and oceans, the technology and relevant brands in the year 2054 and Tom Cruise playing a drug at. Plus, Wally tries to keep it clean, Chris disputes the viability of the set-up in the movie, and Gregg presents an idea for a parody song.

Website bonus: custom episode image courtesy of Wally and his person:

Cruisin’ Together: 23 – Vanilla Sky


(Cruisin’ Together may contain grown-up language)

Gregg and Chris are at it again, literally, as their original recording covering Vanilla Sky had some audio issues. But they’re joined by one of the original recording’s guests, Stephen Mayer (and past guest, Carly Mayer), to talk about what happened and then start fresh. From there, they cover the movie as well as the many definitions of “jacked”, Tom Cruise’s nationality, five interpretations of  of the movie with just five words each, a special transformed “Eating Crowe” segment, the math of Renée Zellweger + Cameron Diaz, musical stingers for scene changes, and Muzzy vs. Rosetta Stone before devolving into Brian Regan bits and ’90s X-Men cartoon chat. Plus, Chris has his own sound effects now…for better or worse!

Cruisin’ Together: 22 – Mission: Impossible 2 (LIVE!)


(Cruisin’ Together may contain grown-up language)

Chris and Gregg are LIVE in front of an actual audience at Acme Comics Presents in Greensboro, NC, to talk about Mission: Impossible 2. Before they do, they touch on Night & Day with their guest, Val Moran, and then get into M:I2, MI:2/superhero movie trivia, Paperboys (the video game and the actual job), Chris opens his Science Corner, Gregg continues his search for signs of a bad Tom Cruise movie, bird talk, and an important question: “Who is James?”. All that, plus appearances by Clark, Jacob, Ian, Carly and Michael, for a truly unique CRUISIN’ show.

Cruisin’ Together: 21 – Magnolia


(Cruisin’ Together may contain grown-up language)

Gregg and Chris get into the cracks and crevices of the ensemble tapestry that is Magnolia, and guest, Chris Mariano, joins as a willing participant. After some talk of Far and Away, a truly epic Round Robin Plot Recap gives way to talk of cabins, disappearing, and magicians…1-800-TAME HER…Chris Giarruso talks science…more “Hanks a Lot”…and matters dancing with respect to animated cats (and how they might relate to our Top Cop in Pop, Paula Abdul).

Cruisin’ Together: Special Version Episode 1 – Rogue Reactions


(Cruisin’ Together may contain grown-up language)

Presenting a Special Version Episode! Chris and Gregg break their regular chronological order to get on the mic just after seeing the new Tom Cruise movie, Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation! Joined by past guests, Traci (Endless Love) and Jacob (Risky Business), they talk some spoilers, yes, and also get into which of us is John McEnroe, Jeremy Renner’s fingernails, Tom Cruise’s running, gun transformers, opera, admiration of the female lead and impressions of the movie’s villain. Recorded 7/31/2015.

Cruisin’ Together: 20 – Eyes Wide Shut


(Cruisin’ Together may contain grown-up language)

Gregg and Chris make it a family trilogy when they’re joined by Gregg’s uncle, Marty, father to Cousin Mike (Episode: Taps) and Cousin Mike’s Brother Cousin Joey (Episode: The Firm), to set their eyes on Eyes Wide Shut. A most rousing Round Robin Plot Recap gets the ball rolling as the discussion covers such topics as: fitness, the ’60s, theories about the movie, Opa Locka, SNL, Orange Julius and Tang, and Dippin’ Dots for astronauts, the ice cream of the future that is now.