For a very long time, too long, I’ve talked the talk of “one day” being a publisher, publishing my own work. Visions and stars in my eyes. Well, as of today I can say I’ve done it. I approved the proofs and now simply have to wait for the printer to ship me copies of PIX: ONE WEIRDEST WEEKEND, and original graphic novel by me, published by Hatter Entertainment.
If you wonder why my last new post was in January, well, this book is what I’ve been working on for the past 8+ months. It feels pretty awesome to say it’s done. It’ll feel awesome-r still to see the book “in person”. Until then, I invite you to check out the Pix web side at, where you can read, in its entirety and for free, the first chapter of the book (click the Previews tab) – check it out!
And if that’s not enough, here’s the the cover:
More news as it happens. I’m also working on a website refresh, too, with a store and everything! Getting this book done is a big deal, but no time to rest on laurels, right?