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X-BABIES Press Round-Up!

With the announcement of the X-BABIES mini-series coming out October of this year, there was a flurry of press releases and interviews on a number of sites. For easy access, here’s a rundown, complete with links, so you can read a bit more about it and see the way my name has been misspelled (sometimes in the body of the same article).

First up, there’s this piece from, where my name was only misspelled once.

Next, here’s a bit from the Robot 6 blog, short and sweet with a link to the piece above. posted an interview I did with them. They only got the spelling of my name wrong in the headline.

The article at attributed one of my collaborator, Jacob Chabot’s quotes, to me (the one about having read EXCALIBUR: MOJO MAHEM a million times).

Here’s a Q&A up at…who somehow credit Jacob and I for works we’ve never done (Deathlok for me and 2000AD for Jacob – never happened).

My friends Rob and Craig hipped me to this piece at, which also reports off the release.

Someone even blogged about it at their blog, Full.Body.Transplant.

And here’s a site,, translated from French, talking about it (they don’t seem to excited…and apparently Jacob Chabot translates to Jacob Chub, which made me chuckle).

And here are some folks on a newsgroup talking about it, not all of it in glowing terms.

So that’s a whole lot of X-BABIES stuff right there. Soon, I might even talk about some of the other stuff I’m working on…


  1. Rian Fike

    Gregg, not only did I blog it…

    I cannot wait for the books themselves!!!

    Thanks for the link, please keep us posted. These are very exciting times. Have fun with it.

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