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Dr. Kitchenstein Presents: All-Hallow’s Giving 2012 – “Oy Vey, Thanksgiving as Jewish Food”

As explained in a previous post, in 2002 I created a holiday, All-Hallows’ Giving. You can read all about it here, and a recap of the 2010 iteration here (2011 marked the 10th Anniversary of AHG and was marked by a “blind pot luck”, so it was less a “Dr. Kitchenstein” type event, though I suppose it might be worth posting something about the “Oreo Soup” I prepared for that one.

But this year’s evening was framed on the premise of: how might one interpret a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner through traditional Jewish foods. And, well, here are the results:

CONVENTION TIME!: Comic-Con International 2012

It’s July, which means San Diego Comic-Con International!

Madness, crowds, noise, people, comics, movies, tv shows, video games…it’s a beast of a show and a part of me wonders, every year, “why do I do this, exactly?”. But I will do as (my 7th, 8th, 10th and 12th grade social studies teacher) Mr. Lutness would say, “be brave”.

Will you, also be brave and be there? Stop by and say hello. I’ll have original art (SpongeBob Comics, Spider-Man & Marvel Character illustrations, TMNT pages, DC Animated work) as well as puppet prints and copies of SPONGEBOB COMICS for sale.

Comic-Con is July 12-15 in San Diego, CA (Preview Night for those with tickets on July 11).


Summer 2012 Update: “Stuff Said”, SpongeBob, Spider-Man and MORE!

Here’s what’s new and/or exciting:

  • “Stuff Said”, my podcast, has been going for one year as of today. A year ago today the first episode, part one of my talk with Chris Giarrusso, took the podcast world by storm. One year later we’re still plugging along. Check it out here.
  • The SPONGEBOB COMICS train continues to roll, even faster now as the once bi-monthly comic is now monthly! Issue 10 comes out in comic shops in one week, with a cover and interior story by me. Keep an eye out for it:

  • I’ve also for a good spell been doing illustrations for SPIDER-MAN MAGAZINE for Disney Publishing Worldwide. What is that magazine and where can I get it? It’s an international magazine and you can get it in Europe (Italy, France, etc…you know, Europe). Since it’s NOT something us folks stateside can see, here’s some of the stuff I’ve done for the mag:

05/12/2012: Will Ferrell & Usher

Stick Figure Night Live! is a series of stick figure comic “recreations” of episodes of Saturday Night Live. Just as the show itself is performed live, the comics are drawn “live” while watching the show (with the occasional assist from DVR or some digital clean-up post scanning).

05/05/2012: Eli Manning & Rihanna

Stick Figure Night Live! is a series of stick figure comic “recreations” of episodes of Saturday Night Live. Just as the show itself is performed live, the comics are drawn “live” while watching the show (with the occasional assist from DVR or some digital clean-up post scanning).

Free Comic Book Day in Comic Book City, USA

The first Saturday in May each year is Free Comic Book Day, and this year I’ll be spending FCBD this year (May 5, 2012) in Comic Book City, USA (aka Greensboro, NC) at Acme Comics.

The gang at Acme Comics do not mess around when it comes to FCBD as they’re hosting a bevy of talented comics makers, like:

And that’s just at the store location! They’ve got a SECOND event happening at the nearby Greensboro Natural Science Center with even more talented, guests. If you’re in the NC Triad or surrounding area, consider taking the trip to Acme. As they like to say, it’s more than just Free Comic Book Day, it’s a convention.

Aside from all the free stuff, and boy oh boy will there be free stuff, I’ll also have available copies of my Puppet Hero Prints (seen here and here) as well as original SpongeBob Comics art pages and covers for sale through the store.

And if you’re NOT going to make it to Acme Comics, visit your local comic shop and see what they’re offering for FCBD. Maybe you can pick up the SpongeBob/Simpsons comic, featuring a cover by me.

And check out the episode of my podcast, “Stuff Said”, where I talk to the assistant manager at Acme Comics, Stephen Mayer.

Hooray for comics!

Anatomy of a Convention Sketch: Spider-Man v. Batman

This past weekend at the Emerald City Comic-Con I had a bit of foresight and did what I could to document a sketch-in-progress. Admittedly, this started more as a bit of show-off-ery after a conversation with Jason Howard the night prior, wherein we discussed the challenges of taking a tiny doodle full of energy and maintaining that energy in the final, larger piece.

So when a group of very friendly folks asked if I’d draw a piece showing “Spider-Man beating up Batman”, and I started with a tiny doodle, well, I took out my camera and snapped some pics to essentially rub Jason’s face in it and give him the business.

But what actually ended up happening is I had the makings for this post.

In this instance the sketch did indeed start with a tiny doodle drawn at the top left of the page. Here’s that a bit magnified: